Friday, 28 June 2013
Thursday, 27 June 2013
对~AIA CONCERT 就是今晚BEAST, G.NA 和4MINUTE 在马来西亚举办的concert。 说实在的,我很想去非常想去恨不得去。但自从买了东方神起的票,我就一直在控制自己花钱在K-POP的费用。每个人都知道,我很喜欢 BEAST,但我没有去,并不代表我不喜欢他们了!听到亲故这么说,我真的很痛心,难道你们不认识我吗?你们做工了,有些有零用钱拿(存就是了),我并没有打工也没有零用钱。并不是喜欢就能去的,我也做了很大的牺牲!!如果我学校的课业都做不好的话,那还去看演唱会是什么屁话啊~被选为队长那一刻,就知道自己的担当会逐渐重要,但并没想到队员会是推给我做让我做完的朋友。一直一直都在催我,几时可以做完?几时可以给他们看?几时才能印下来派出去?你们没付出还要那么大声啊!!!你是想怎样?昨天为了载你们去做 research,我都累了。回来还要载朋友去车站,过后到家就要马上冲凉,30分钟之内又要出门载几条粉肠去买料理。我没有骂说我自己是你们的车夫就算了,还要一个两个摆脸色给我看。早上10点到晚上11点才回到,过后才有机会去朋友家借 wifi 做功课。我从11点做到4点啊!!我第一次感到那么的压力和疲惫。想睡不能睡。到今天早上,我竟然睡到下午才起床。我完全不知道我没有去上课,还是第一次没有感觉(平时都会起来吓醒去上课)。刚起床就打电话过来,为什么没有去上课啦,我没来怎样给他们看啦,到底做好了没啊,明天最好交到他们的手上啦!OH PLEASE!!你们到底给不给人喘口气啊?还不是因为你们的不帮忙还有不断给人的压力,我才会不去看演唱会。Enn Li 还特地打电给我说她有两张免费的票,问我要不要去,我还是狠心的拒绝了!我当下哭断肠!!!知道我喜欢K-POP的应该都知道那是什么感受!!有票去不得是严重严重让我伤心欲绝
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
我不知道我是不是喜欢他,因为我不介意他跟谁在一起,他在做什么。只是偶尔想到今天可能会见到他,要穿整齐一些。但周围的人都说虽然我有很多追求者,但他们都知道我喜欢的是谁。我在想.........我怎么不知道是谁啊~我都不懂你们懂?但最近想起他的频率有加无减。就想想今天可能会见到他,哦!他 liked 我的 status了,或者是他最近有没有在运动之类的。
但我没想到会梦见他啊~~~梦境竟然是我们接吻了,而且是被他强吻!!!什么东西嘛!!!还要是在周围都是朋友的面前做了这样的一个东东~((我晕!!接下来是我逃开躲在厕所了,可能是惊讶的关系。然后各个跑来问我有事吗.....我开门不见他才说没事。结果他从旁边出现说对不起....朋友们醒目地闪开 ((这就是朋友会做的事!靠 然后我忘了发生什么事,只记得他闯进来厕所,站在我面前,然后锁门!!我更加晕~~这是什么情节嘛?看戏看太多了实在!他接下就搂了我的腰把我拉进他,然后就 ..... 就 ........ 就 ........ 拥吻啦~~~~~ 哇赛!重点是梦就这样给我停了!!有没有搞错啊~~这是什么烂结局~~至少给我知道我做了什么,我们做了什么嘛!哎哟~~~我真的晕了!算啦~~但我还是希望别再发这种梦了。下次见到他,我会失措!毕竟是很好朋友,几年内都会见到他。也希望不是因为喜欢他的关系才发这种梦吧~说实在的蛮恐怖一下,因为我很肯定也知道他不喜欢我。不是两情相悦的,真的最好不要!日有所思,夜有所梦啊~~
但我没想到会梦见他啊~~~梦境竟然是我们接吻了,而且是被他强吻!!!什么东西嘛!!!还要是在周围都是朋友的面前做了这样的一个东东~((我晕!!接下来是我逃开躲在厕所了,可能是惊讶的关系。然后各个跑来问我有事吗.....我开门不见他才说没事。结果他从旁边出现说对不起....朋友们醒目地闪开 ((这就是朋友会做的事!靠 然后我忘了发生什么事,只记得他闯进来厕所,站在我面前,然后锁门!!我更加晕~~这是什么情节嘛?看戏看太多了实在!他接下就搂了我的腰把我拉进他,然后就 ..... 就 ........ 就 ........ 拥吻啦~~~~~ 哇赛!重点是梦就这样给我停了!!有没有搞错啊~~这是什么烂结局~~至少给我知道我做了什么,我们做了什么嘛!哎哟~~~我真的晕了!算啦~~但我还是希望别再发这种梦了。下次见到他,我会失措!毕竟是很好朋友,几年内都会见到他。也希望不是因为喜欢他的关系才发这种梦吧~说实在的蛮恐怖一下,因为我很肯定也知道他不喜欢我。不是两情相悦的,真的最好不要!日有所思,夜有所梦啊~~
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
The very 1st one in 2013 -_-
OK !! This blog is dying here .... I'm soooo lazy to update my blog ..
I hate typing .. I just like to talk .. blah blah blah everything out.
but sometimes, not everything can be discuss or speak it out.
"some people" said when a person showing their secret or love too much to the others, that person hardly get the same as return. Why ? because everyone thinks that that person is loved ... even though got people fall in love with that person, they won't confess as they think that the person don't need any of it and they just choose to keep it secret ...
hemm .. I was wondering .. so this is why I'm single huh .. I don't know isit true but it sounds true ~
but no doubt, a lot of people stalking me recently ... and 1 of them is super obvious .. yes ! he has been confessed to me like about 3 months ago but he is not my type and he knew that as I told him the truth la .. still he is not giving up ... I'M THAT ATTRACTIVE huh ?? whatever !!
but I easily got emo nowadays ... because of the father's day ? yeah .. I envy my friends that have their parents both father and mother .. but most of them not really appreciate with what they've. While the friends who love their parents very much .. I gone emo straight away .. I lack of father's love since young so until now I don't really know what kind of feeling is that ... and when I saw all those father's day cake and pictures with their father on FB ... (yes, I'm crying when typing the last 3 rows)
so, isit the reason why I always think of getting a boyfriend ?
I hate typing .. I just like to talk .. blah blah blah everything out.
but sometimes, not everything can be discuss or speak it out.
"some people" said when a person showing their secret or love too much to the others, that person hardly get the same as return. Why ? because everyone thinks that that person is loved ... even though got people fall in love with that person, they won't confess as they think that the person don't need any of it and they just choose to keep it secret ...
hemm .. I was wondering .. so this is why I'm single huh .. I don't know isit true but it sounds true ~
but no doubt, a lot of people stalking me recently ... and 1 of them is super obvious .. yes ! he has been confessed to me like about 3 months ago but he is not my type and he knew that as I told him the truth la .. still he is not giving up ... I'M THAT ATTRACTIVE huh ?? whatever !!
but I easily got emo nowadays ... because of the father's day ? yeah .. I envy my friends that have their parents both father and mother .. but most of them not really appreciate with what they've. While the friends who love their parents very much .. I gone emo straight away .. I lack of father's love since young so until now I don't really know what kind of feeling is that ... and when I saw all those father's day cake and pictures with their father on FB ... (yes, I'm crying when typing the last 3 rows)
so, isit the reason why I always think of getting a boyfriend ?
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